ChromoChallenges began as a blog about coping
- with the Partial Trisomy 18 diagnosis my child Aubby was born with
- the Balanced Translocation diagnosis I found out because of it
- and Special Needs Care Tips my family’s learned along the way
and other challenges that’ve come with understanding chromosomal differences my daughter and I were born with.
But it’s so much more. After four intensive years of observations and using least-noninvasive care approaches, we’ve handled
- Aubby’s health across multiple medical disciplines (GI, PT, etc.)
- my issues with fertility as a Balanced Translocation carrier (including having a child with nontypical chromosomes, repeat miscarriage, and what I did to have a chromotypical child)
- Aubby’s health events vs those of chromotypical children
and how I’ve solved my daughter’s health needs over time has led to knowing that health (immediate and generational) begins in the Gut.

Then I learned how gut dysbiosis is further entrenched by the presence of a toxin burden from pollutants in food and the environment that help is needed to remove so the body can do its job to recover the way it’s supposed to.

Since health begins in the Gut, ChromoChallenges now includes content for
- learning Clean Living
- easy tips to reduce inflammation
- natural Gut care
- Gut-friendly food tips and recipes including fermentation
- taking things a step further and learning Kratky Hydroponic Container Gardening to grow clean, safe food
- going even further and learning to symbiotically farm (my family’s BIG GOAL)
using the same least-invasive methods my family uses at home. (As I keep learning, I’ll link more of these up!)
I truly hope my work helps you as much as it helps my family.
About Jess

I’m an Independent Researcher and Medical Mom. My work on ChromoChallenges comes of helping my daughter. Depending how things work for her, her fixes often help our whole home. My life’s just where these issues came together in 2015. Whatever I find works reliably for us, I share so others might also benefit their health from what I and my family have been through.
I attended Missouri State University and have a background in technical writing (BS degree, 2009) with additional writing flair (MA degree, 2011). Emphasis on research and editing. My experience spans research, writing, copyediting, and data entry in creative, archaeological, medical/scientific, and manufacturing fields.
I can be contacted by messenger at the ChromoChallenges Facebook page. (The official email is still currently experiencing some technical issues. Thanks, and happy to hear from you!) You can also join the discussion at the Flourishing Gut Health For ChromoChallenges Facebook group!
Previous Work
- Featured at HubPages – see my profile for what I’ve written.
- An All Natural Childbirth vs. Childbirth with an Epidural. Written by Jessica Plummer, edited by and featured at The Perfect Pregnancy Plan. 18 January 2020.
- Redefining Trisomy 18: More Than Ten Percent (Surviving the First Year as a Trisomy Mama). Jessica & Aubby Plummer, Partial Trisomy 18. 18 September 2018.
- Cady RK, Farmer K, Hall J. The Bowel and Migraine. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2012 March. [DOI: 10.1007/s11916-012-0258-y.]
This article explores possible relationships between migraine, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), celiac disease (CD), and gluten sensitivity. I researched migraine, gluten sensitivity, gluten diet, the bowel, and nervous systems using online and print materials. I wrote the literature review for this paper but was primary writer for the portion on gluten sensitivity.
Thanks for visiting.
Nice to meet you. Welcome to the courage it takes to stand for who and what you believe in. What I know is—
It’s okay to not be okay. What we need to do is accept and care for where we are. The way forward is you need to believe in you. Every day forward is a new day stronger.
Don’t get caught in “can’t” – so much more is possible. Just find, allow, and be open to reaching your best outcomes.
Top posts:
- Trisomy 18 FAQ
- Balanced Translocation FAQ
- Special Needs FAQ
- Illness & Gut Care FAQ
- Zeolite
- Live Probiotic
- Homeblended Diet Basics
- How 4 Changes Fixed Chronic Diarrhea
- Troubleshooting Chronic Low Iron
- How To Change A G-tube In 6 Steps
- G-tube Stoma Barrier Cream
- Difficult IV Insertions and What To Do
- Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis