Is PBX natural zeolite safe for nursing mothers?

I am taking zeolite while nursing, and have done so since 25 September 2020. The structure of natural zeolite cages any toxins, and the 6-hour intervals for use keep them moving Out.
Unlike glutathione (though that was as part of a mixed supplement I tried), I have not noted any effect on my production. If anything, I’ve found that my production is slightly improved (more regular and less of a struggle on days I ordinarily would be feeling like I should chug more water), which I attribute to my body becoming less toxic so it runs more effectively.
As I know even the chemical content of tap water in my own diet has influenced my son’s reflux, it wouldn’t surprise me if it transferred. However, the nature of zeolite would keep that moving along and Out. Per the Pure Body White Paper, zeolite has been granted GRAS status by the FDA (Generally Recognized as Safe), and it “is proven safe through its years of safe usage as a supplement for the general population including children”.
For more information, here are full white papers for PBX/PB:
My caveat for this answer, on account of having a child born with a medically fragile diagnosis, is that if the strength of detoxification concerned me:
1) I would consider putting my dose in filtered water in order to dilute it to drink over a period of time.
2) Take an appropriate personal dose that would be better tolerated by my nurseling. My experience, having nursed two babies for 13 months for my first and 15 months for my second, is that my children have reacted at about 1/3 the rate of my intakes. (Unless a substance is actively allergic like my second is to peppers.)
3) If comfortable, nurseling could have their own spray. For my 25lb 15mo, he gets 2 sprays in morning and afternoon, and 1 before bed.
Food intolerances or other supplements that have filtered through my milk versus my kids trialing them directly have had a reduced effect.
The chemicals in tap water do not appear to have had as much reduction, in which case I’d expect the work zeolite is doing at that level and rate is mop up.
An easy observation I’ve used to judge tolerance is stool consistency and rate. For example: When my kids began PBX zeolite at age 4 years and at age 14 months, they both initially experienced 4 days of initial almost-constipation that then became regularity. A darker green, possibly looser, every 4-5 days has signaled toxin “dumping” days that are immediately followed by gains.
Baby’s stool and moods should guide tolerance the same way they do appetite or other needs. But I also mentioned earlier that even my daughter who has a medically fragile diagnosis has used it successfully so, for my part, I consider it Trisomy 18 approved.