CV19 Inconsistencies

I always kick myself for not just shutting up about gut health in the wake of CV19 and v(accine) safety, but then some other ridiculous piece of news bites me. I wasn’t going to write this, but after the news about the VOLCANO(!) I finally feel that it needs said. So, here’s my collection of thoughts and references every time CV19, those HIPPA-violating “passports”, or v(accination) comes up (Bob forbid the proper word is using within the confines of social media). This has been my formed opinion for the past year, and the following details why.
Disclaimer: MY opinion does not represent the views of any of the studies or links included in this post. I am not a medical doctor. Doctors Fauci and Birx and others have those credentials. However, you are welcome to see what I, as a medical mom with a research background, think of what’s been published, what the news has reported on, and how I treated that information for my family.
So no v, no… rescue by cruise ship from a volcano (Business Insider, 12 April 2021)? This happened on St. Vincent Caribbean Island, and that’s… okay?
Covid De-escalation, Whether We Like It Or Not
Yet CDC has said people should stop disinfecting and that soap and water is okay? That was news this past week.
Summary: “The CDC said Monday that a thorough soap-and-water scrub is adequate to keep Covid-19 from spreading in a home. “I don’t understand, actually, what took CDC so long to really be clear about this. This virus is spread through the air,” Dr. Ashish Jha said. Jha noted the CDC’s public health messaging has been part of a larger pattern of poor messaging from the government when it comes to Covid.” The CDC should have updated its surface-cleaning guidelines much sooner, Dr. Ashish Jha says (CNBC, 6 Apr 2021)
The CDC has already started reducing guidelines regarding CV19. From 6-feet to 3-feet of distance, and from disinfectant to soap-and-water. And people wonder why mask mandates are done for.
Updated CDC guidance says 3 feet of physical distancing is safe in schools (CNN, 19 March 2021)
End the hygiene theater, CDC says (Yahoo! News, 5 April 2021)
Science Brief: SARS-CoV-2 and Surface (Fomite) Transmission for Indoor Community Environments (CDC, 5 April 2021)
Post Vaccination Breakthrough Covid Virus?
Plenty of breakthrough CV19 post v, so there’s that too. People did have an immune system before CV19 and flu v.
However, even the NIH (National Institutes of Health) says there is Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19. If that’s incorrect, then this leading health authority should do a better job with what they say. “The research was funded in part by NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and National Cancer Institute (NCI). Results were published on January 6, 2021, in Science.” My only quibble with that published study is that it only had 188 participants: Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for up to 8 months after infection (Science, 5 February 2021). Looks like it was primarily targeting immune response without specifying health status, but included various ages, so I do agree with the friend that noted this find was somewhat vague.
CDC ramps up scrutiny of rare post-vaccination ‘breakthrough infections’ (Washington Post, 9 April 2021)
“[K]eep in mind that Oregon hasn’t been the only state to report such breakthrough cases. A month ago, I reported for Forbes on three breakthrough cases found in Hawaii. More recently, Paula Pasche covered for The Oakland Press the 246 breakthrough Covid-19 cases that have occurred in Michigan, resulting in 11 hospitalizations and three deaths. So, it’s clear that getting fully vaccinated does not necessarily mean that you can’t get Covid-19 and can’t suffer bad consequences.” 3 Breakthrough Covid-19 Coronavirus Deaths Among 700,000+ Fully Vaccinated In Oregon (Forbes, 11 April 2021)
So far, 5,800 fully vaccinated people have caught Covid anyway in US, CDC says (CNN, 15 April 2021)
Something potentially cropping up in the news that was covered by Lee et al. in data commissioned by Victoria is antibody dependent enhancement: Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies (Nature, September 2020)…
(Wait, what? — Antibody Dependent Enhancement “…occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a ‘Trojan horse,’ allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.”)
NPR had a nice six-point update on this: Highly Vaccinated Israel Is Seeing A Dramatic Surge In New COVID Cases. Here’s Why (NPR, 20 August 2021)
And then this pre-print study came out… “Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people.” Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers, Vietnam (Lancet, 10 August 2021)
Yeadon and Bossche and Malone and Some Others
A tidbit I’d almost missed last year due to social media censorship: Coronavirus pandemic is not ‘effectively over’ as op-ed claims (AP News, 30 November 2020)
Someone as credentialed as Fauci spoke up in September and has been banned off platforms this year: former Pfizer employee Dr. Yeadon. He was with Pfizer for 17 years, with an immunology-respiratorytoxicology-epidemiology background of 35 years. He retired from his industry (so isn’t another functional doctor like others that have spoken up and also been banned) and even had his own company in pharmaceuticals that he sold to Novartis.
Who’s Yeadon? At the time I saw his interview, I looked further into his credentials and found the following:
- Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over” (Global Research, 23 September 2020)
- Turning Pfizer Discards Into Novartis Gold: The Story Of Ziarco (Forbes, 15 March 2017)
- A super good listen on YouTube: Mike Yeadon – Expert on Viruses Disagrees with Liberal Politicians (24 November 2020)
- What SAGE Has Got Wrong by Mike Yeadon (WebArhive, 16 October 2020)
- Here’s a partial list of his publications too: Mike Yeadon’s research while affiliated with Imperial College London and other places (ResearchGate)
Another strange occurrence of a science guy with credentials speaking out was Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD, independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in an open letter originally posted on LinkedIn.
Bossche makes his point at the end with: “If we, human beings, are committed to perpetuating our species, we have no choice left but to eradicate these highly infectious viral variants. This will, indeed, require large vaccination campaigns. However, NK cell-based vaccines will primarily enable our natural immunity to be better prepared (memory!) and to induce herd immunity (which is exactly the opposite of what current Covid-19 vaccines do as those increasingly turn vaccine recipients into asymptomatic carriers who are shedding virus).”
The newsletter, The Defender, later on revisited the subject on 7 July 2021 with Bossche a second time.
Another medical practitioner, Dr. Garrett Smith, a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD) in Arizona also known as the Nutrition Detective on YouTube, had these things to say on the subject: COVID-19/coronavirus: These make it WORSE and YOU more SUSCEPTIBLE (YouTube). (Or click here to see a Google Docs version slide presentation with hyperlinked references.)
The study about flu shots applicable to coronaviruses he references is this one: Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season (Vaccine, 10 January 2020). As there have been questions of how applicable this study is, I’ll share from the conclusions paragraph here: “Examining virus interference by specific respiratory viruses showed mixed results. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however, significant protection with vaccination was associated not only with most influenza viruses, but also parainfluenza, RSV, and non-influenza virus coinfections.” — That is to say, flu shot “may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference”. Maybe that’s part of the issue with why so many people have had issues with CV19. In addition to poor gut health. Which pharmaceuticals invariably affect (as does diet, dietary additives, stress, etc.). But now I can see why that study was such a hot topic when it came out.
Another two favorite practitioners I like to follow are Dr. Ben Lynch and Dr. Eric Nepute. Dr. Lynch’s book “Dirty Genes” helped me understand the methylation cycle and how nutrition impacts genetic setup for Aubby’s health needs, and he has some interesting things to say about glutathione and phosphatidylcholine. Dr. Nepute, chiropractor (with advanced studies in several areas), was one of the first docs on the scene at the start of the pandemic with some good things to say about vitamin D and zinc.
Who else is getting ignored? “The whole point of expert drug committees is to help shape policy without political or industry influence, but those committees are neutered if their recommendations are ignored or if decisions are made before they even have a chance to say anything.” The pharmaceutical experts are getting ignored (Axios, 23 August 2021).
For perspective on where things sit, from The BMJ senior editor, Peter Doshi. This, and the included links for context, are worth a scour: (The BMJ Opinion, 23 August 2021:
What future complications might the Covid illness now be heading off, perhaps more dangerous variants? WHO Leader Pleads Against Booster Shots—Questioning Efficacy And Highlighting Risk Of ‘More Potent’ Variants (Forbes, 23 August 2021) The article notes: “Before the pandemic, the hospital system encouraged flu vaccinations and required employees who were not vaccinated for flu to wear masks when among patients.” Why is this virus, which will require repeat boosters, not treated in like? Why are people’s sovereign rights now selfishness? The article continues: “But experts have said that prior infection does not fully protect people and have advised everyone to get vaccinated.” But here we have this: Longitudinal analysis shows durable and broad immune memory after SARS-CoV-2 infection with persisting antibody responses and memory B and T cells (Cohen et al, 20 July 2021)
Criticisms aside, why have so many expert voices been blocked this past year (particularly integrated/complementary health professionals)? Why the censorship? Why this continued very premature push to inject the world with a v that isn’t shown to stop transmission or reduce the death rate?
Simply voices I have noted.
Masks… Worked?
Businesses are responsible for whether they require masks, but mask use is still not statistically significant.
“The recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50% in a community with modest infection rates, some degree of social distancing, and uncommon general mask use. The data were compatible with lesser degrees of self-protection.” Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers (Annals of Internal Medicine, 18 November 2020)
“Results: A total of 3030 participants were randomly assigned to the recommendation to wear masks, and 2994 were assigned to control; 4862 completed the study. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurred in 42 participants recommended masks (1.8%) and 53 control participants (2.1%)… Although the difference observed was not statistically significant, the 95% CIs are compatible with a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection.” Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Annals of Internal Medicine, March 2021)
“However, experts swiftly pointed out that the study has many limitations, including low compliance (many people did not complete the study, and a high percentage of people who were supposed to wear masks did not) and that it took place in a population where spread of Covid-19 was already low;” ” ‘Even a small degree of protection is worth using the face masks,’ says Dr. Henning Bundgaard, professor of Cardiology at Rigshospitalet in Denmark and lead author of the study…” Lead Researcher Behind Controversial Danish Study Says You Should Still Wear A Mask (18 November 2020)
Limitations of mask studies acknowledged, but that still makes multiple studies that show results not statistically significant. This science is where I side.
When people see inconsistent news updates, which the public relies on to be informed, it’s worth asking: Which is it?
02 APR 2020, The Washington Post — Everyone wore masks during the 1918 flu pandemic. They were useless
12 MAR 2021, The Washington Post — Abandoning masks now is a terrible idea. The 1918 pandemic shows why
This WaPo example is certainly not alone in this undecided coverage. I would agree that it represents an “impartial” view if it weren’t for the fact that the first is historical in nature and the second is opinion.
I’d also like to point out that as scary as the world is right now, masking after the 1918 flu pandemic did come to an end, for over a hundred years, until now.
Alternatively, I am willing to concede that masks ARE up to about 30% effective per this CDC report: Mask Use and Ventilation Improvements to Reduce COVID-19 Incidence in Elementary Schools — Georgia, November 16–December 11, 2020. But it makes this specific point: “COVID-19 incidence was 37% lower in schools that required teachers and staff members to use masks and 39% lower in schools that improved ventilation. Ventilation strategies associated with lower school incidence included dilution methods alone (35% lower incidence) or in combination with filtration methods (48% lower incidence).” So why isn’t ventilation and UV sanitization the bigger focus?
The Covid Crisis Pointedly Sacrificed Those Of Need
The populations hardest hit were nursing home, disabled group home, and comorbid health deaths; everyone else’s numbers were far different.
Nursing Homes
Norway Warns of Vaccination Risks for Sick Patients Over 80 (Bloomberg, 15 January 2021)
From the Key Facts: “About 1,200 patients were surveyed from 113 hospitals over a three-day period, Cuomo said; his office did not respond to a request for comment by Forbes;” “In addition to mostly coming from their homes, surveyed patients were more likely to be over 51 years old, and either nonessential workers, retired or unemployed;” “96% of the surveyed patients had co-morbidities, which means nearly all had another chronic medical condition prior to catching coronavirus.” Majority Of New Coronavirus Cases In New York Are From People Staying At Home—Not Traveling Or Working (Forbes, 6 May 2020)
“But the public has a right to know whether his decision to force nursing homes to accept patients who had tested positive for COVID-19 caused unnecessary death and spread of the virus.” Don’t let Cuomo hide from his coronavirus nursing-home disaster (Insider, in Opinion, 14 August 2020)
After Times investigation, Newsom says nursing home inspectors will be tested for coronavirus (Yahoo! News/Los Angeles Times, 24 July 2020)
Fatal cases of Covid 19 at nursing facilities prompt new California law (Los Angeles Times, 29 September 2020)
Disabled Group Homes
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Could Be Charged in COVID Nursing Home Deaths, Prosecutor Says (MSN/Newsweek, 9 March 2021)
“An additional 32 care workers who were forced into the infectious homes have also died, according to records from the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, which oversees group homes. Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s April 10, 2020 order placed infected patients in the state’s more than 7,000 group homes, similar to a nursing home policy. The policy resulted in 6,382 disabled residents and 10,311 workers contracting COVID-19.” New York senators demand investigation into Andrew Cuomo group home scandal (Washington Examiner, 15 March 2021)
Exclusive: Cuomo created disabled group home deathtraps, whistleblower says (Washington Examiner, 20 March 2021)
And I hate to have to share that THIS HAPPENED, that hospitals have had to be told to do their job: Oregon Hospitals Told Not To Withhold Care Because Of A Person’s Disability (NPR, 21 December 2020). That is to say, in order for hospitals to triage care for those who “deserve” it, which incidentally does not include individuals like my first child who has Partial Trisomy 18. Because of a diagnosis in their chart, and crude misunderstandings of how it is to appreciate, live with, care for, and help develop individuals who have disabilities.
Comorbid Health
Comorbidities associated with mortality in 31,461 adults with COVID-19 in the United States: A federated electronic medical record analysis (PLoS Med, 10 September 2020)
“[A]n updated report from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention noted that 94% of COVID-19 fatalities from Feb. 1 through Aug. 22 included some comorbid factors.” (KSL, 1 September 2020) Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics (CDC Provisional Death Counts… CV19)
Common conditions that can contribute to COVID-19 deaths (MSN/Stacker, 24 September 2020)
“Briand was quoted in the article as saying, “All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers.” This claim is incorrect and does not take into account the spike in raw death count from all causes compared to previous years. According to the CDC, there have been almost 300,000 excess deaths due to COVID-19. Additionally, Briand presented data of total U.S. deaths in comparison to COVID-19-related deaths as a proportion percentage, which trivializes the repercussions of the pandemic. This evidence does not disprove the severity of COVID-19; an increase in excess deaths is not represented in these proportionalities because they are offered as percentages, not raw numbers. Briand also claimed in her analysis that deaths due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia may be incorrectly categorized as COVID-19-related deaths. However, COVID-19 disproportionately affects those with preexisting conditions, so those with those underlying conditions are statistically more likely to be severely affected and die from the virus.” A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19 (The Johns Hopkins News-Letter, 27 November 2020) (And retracted archived PDF of original article.)
We could be vastly overestimating the death rate for COVID-19. Here’s why (World Economic Forum, 4 April 2020)
Speaking of that death rate, from 14 July 2020 by John PA Ioannidis: The infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data. Probably means nothing but that the information is from 2020 and not 2021 or something, but… I had to look this piece up individually because I got a message from the original W.H.O. website location that the website had been reorganized/updated, and using the search on the site had returned no results listed. Anyhow, it concluded:
“The infection fatality rate of COVID-19 can vary substantially across different locations and this may reflect differences in population age structure and case-mix of infected and deceased patients as well as multiple other factors. Estimates of infection fatality rates inferred from seroprevalence studies tend to be much lower than original speculations made in the early days of the pandemic.”
And now the unvaccinated
Candace Owens BANNED By COVID Testing Center (The Young Turks, 3 September 2021)
An Alabama doctor watched patients reject the Covid vaccine. Now he’s refusing to treat them. (Washington Post, 18 August 2021)
And, it was one thing to deny somebody a transplant when it was simply unsafe at the beginning of the CV19 Situation: ‘A death sentence’: Critically ill patients denied transplants amid coronavirus outbreak (NBC News, 18 March 2020). But what’s this? Washington state man claims hospital refusing transplants to the unvaccinated. (Fox News, 19 August 2021)
This issue is one I take more personally due to my kids’ multiple allergies. And considering my track record with myself, I AM willing to take my chances doing what is right for my family, until and unless I receive better information and adjust accordingly. I get that clinics can reject somebody for not following vaccines. I had to change pediatricians because my son was reacting to vaccines. I’ve been called crazy and that I imagined it, though it’s been acknowledged that allergies are possible — though the behavioral differences he had following them were dismissed, and testing for allergies to vaccine ingredients was denied. But there are lots of other parents out there in my boat, who get denied medical care by preferred physicians because of this. It’s doctors’ right, fine. But the whole of this saddens and frustrates me. Some people have VALID reasons. “But immunocompromised people take it”. Well, there’s also already study showing immunocompromised bodies, those taking immunosuppressants, and the elderly bake virus for longer and can yield a large number of new strains. (See next header for those links.)
My feelings are valid, as are others’ feelings, and that’s the part that gets ignored. Others who don’t want a gene therapy during its experimental phase are valid responses. I can accept people icing me out of their lives because I made a choice, but when it comes to pass that their judgment isn’t entirely 100% unquestionable, while I’ve followed the literature that’s been offered and not just the dogma coming through the news, I hope those icing me out think twice. This is medical discrimination, just as much as it’s discrimination for trans individuals to receive unbiased care, or other beliefs/religions. At this point, a murderer willing to vaccinate on the spot would probably get more consideration than someone choosing not to vaccinate during the experimental period, or just not wanting something that’s going to require an indeterminable number of boosters, or something with a likely anaphylactic response behind it, or something an original mRNA tech discoverer and others at that knowledge level are still warning people about regarding antibody dependent enhancement and viral escape.
Virtue signaling against people who have valid reasons to be skeptical, and against people who really can’t take a substance that includes their allergens, is ignorant. This is the type of behavior from medical professionals that comes off as willfully stubborn that theirs is the only approach, no matter the potential harm to people who know their bodies. Short of basic health necessities common to all people (electrolytes, sleep, sunlight, clean diet, clean environment, etc.), there is no medical intervention, even natural, on the face of this planet that should be pressured unilaterally on the entire planetary population. I’m glad such professionals have decided they can live with their choice to omit care for unvaccinated individuals.
An Interesting Occurrence/Study Of Note
On the subject of immune compromised individuals, this really entertained me… TL;DR: a 45yo Boston patient on immunosuppressant medication harbored CV19 for 5 months, during which his single body evinced upwards of 20 different viral strains. Extraordinary Patient Offers Surprising Clues To Origins Of Coronavirus Variants (NPR, 5 February 2021)
My thought is that this makes sense for “superspreaders” and why taking care of the gut in order to build the immune system is so Bobbing important.
Persistence and Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in an Immunocompromised Host (New England Journal of Medicine, 3 December 2020)
And what was overgrown in the end? ASPERGILLUS. Corn mold fungus. (Where’s that found? Ope, synthetic corn derivatives… which are in the processed food supply, pharmaceuticals, and basically everything.)
Blooper jabs?
Video shows mishap during COVID-19 vaccination of El Paso nurses (WZTV Nashville, 16 December 2020)
Kroger mistakenly used empty syringes instead of COVID-19 vaccine at Midlothian store (CBS 6, 10 March 2021)
My questions: Wtf was that. How did that happen? How is it possible for their statement to say it was safe to re-vaccinate that person within the same week when a second dose is always stronger? And the delayed child vaccine schedule does NOT allow for less than four weeks between jabs. Why has there been less than that for any of the CV19 jabs?
Lockdowns and Covid Transmission Rates Varied
FL and CA have had similar rates in spite of complete vs no lockdown.
“According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Florida has a COVID-19 case count of around 9,018 per 100,000 residents and around 150 deaths per 100,000 residents. On the other hand, California, which has continue to impose much stricter restrictions on businesses and has a statewide mask mandate, the data shows similar case and death counts. According to the CDC data, California has around 8,918 COVID-19 cases and at least 139 deaths per 100,000 residents.” Florida Sees Same COVID Case Rate as California, Despite No Statewide Restrictions (Newsweek, 15 March 2021)
Biden adviser can’t say why California, Florida have close COVID rates (MSN, 18 February 2021)
Various political figures haven’t followed their own mandates throughout the pandemic.
For California Governor the Coronavirus Message Is Do as I Say, Not as I Dine
GOP lawmaker defends Newsom for breaking ‘idiotic’ COVID-19 rules (19 November 2020) and associated video for giggles: California Rep. Tom McClintock blasts Newsom and others for lockdown policies (November 2020)
Asymptomatic spread was shown in China to be rare:
“A mass screening programme of more than 10 million residents of Wuhan, China, performed after SARS-CoV-2 was brought under control, has identified 300 asymptomatic cases of covid-19, none of which was infectious;” “The asymptomatic positive rate was lowest in participants aged under 17 and highest in those over 60. Further swab testing of 1174 close contacts of the 300 asymptomatic positive cases were all negative. The study population included 34 424 people with a history of covid-19, 107 of whom (0.310%) had been re-infected.” Covid-19: Asymptomatic cases may not be infectious, Wuhan study indicates (BMJ, December 2020)
Although the “findings cannot be extrapolated to countries where outbreaks have not been brought under control successfully”, that’s still enough asymptomatic participants to show transmission is rare.
But there’s also this: CDC says severe allergic reactions to the Covid vaccine run 10 times reactions to the flu shot but they’re still rare (CNBC, 6 January 2021) There’s “rare”, and then there are trends that should be paid attention to.
Testing Inaccuracy, Testing Inflation
PCR testing was changed almost a year after it was known to be inaccurate? That, after they were shown to be contaminated at the start?
A CDC lab contamination massively delayed the production of coronavirus test kits, report says (Insider, 18 April 2020)
Coronavirus: How CDC Lab Contamination, And A Failure To Cooperate Globally, Led To Catastrophe (Forbes, 19 April 2020)
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has acknowledged that it is mixing the results of two different kinds of tests in the agency’s tally of testing for the coronavirus, raising concerns among some scientists that it could be creating an inaccurate picture of the state of the pandemic in the United States.” Scientists Warn CDC Testing Data Could Create Misleading Picture Of Pandemic (NPR, 21 May 2020)
Fact check: WHO released guidance on proper use of tests; it did not admit PCR tests showed inflated infection numbers (Reuters, 4 February 2021)
“He also observed several opportunities for contamination, including test kit assembly in the same room with coronavirus material.” CDC Lab Contamination Delayed Coronavirus Testing (The Scientist, Opinion, 20 April 2020)
That part has stuck out at me in a few news stories. Common sense would never do that, assemble readied (not currently being trialed) testing kits in the same area as what it’s testing for. Unless labs do just do that, which would be stupid.
Apparently, Missouri was one of those that marked tests rather than individuals: Missouri changes reporting of COVID-19 testing data and positivity rate (KMBC, 23 May 2020)
All of these PCR testing issues made further issues for how deaths were even recorded.
“MPR News reported last week on a change in the way the disease appears on death certificates, regardless of whether someone was confirmed to have it. That shift has received praise from some quarters, but also spawned backlash and suggestions of ulterior motives.” COVID-19 death certificate change stirs controversy (MPR, 7 April 2020)
Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths (CDC National Vital Statistics System)
Health officials explain: What determines a COVID-19 death (KSBY News, 10 August 2020)
Anti-Vax Doctor Promotes Conspiracy Theory That Death Certificates Falsely Cite COVID-19 (Rolling Stone, 16 April 2020). Anti-v or not, perhaps the manner in which things has been done throughout this entire pandemic should have been conducted clearly. There’s no reason to blame individuals who believe that pro-choice includes their choice to primarily focus on natural health to maintain levels of immunity and leave more invasive efforts to last-line defense where they belong.
For my part, I wouldn’t have become such a strong proponent of the gut-focused health approach if it hadn’t made it possible for my daughter to do so much more than her diagnosis dictates.
MRNA: Experimental Tech, Officially Gene Therapy
To add a final (big) name to the list I mentioned at the beginning of this post, who’s spoken on the safety of mRNA tech development, is Dr. Robert Malone… one of the original inventors of mRNA technology. Let me reiterate that: ONE OF THE ORIGINAL INVENTORS of mRNA technology. That mRNA expert had to go on FOX because he was also censored on YouTube and other “mainstream” platforms. Of course this censorship got my attention so I gave that 24 June 2021 appearance a view. The TL;DR version of his input is that current evidence does not support benefit outweighing risk, that risk-benefit analysis is not being done, and that the risk-benefit ratio in under-age-18 recipients is not justified. Also, check out this Audio Clip: B[iden] team’s misguided and deadly [CV1]9 vaccine strategy (9:56) by Robert Malone and Peter Navarro (The Washington Times).
CV19 v’s are not FDA approved, are under emergency use, and manufacturers are not liable for the palsy, neurological, heart failure, anaphylactic, etc. reactions. Those reactions don’t appear to be lesser risks than CV19 itself.
Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines Explained (FDA, 20 November 2020)
PREP Act Immunity from Liability for COVID-19 Vaccinators (USDHHS, accessed 13 April 2021)
You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either (CNBC, 17 December 2020)
Efficacy might also be a problem, as things turn out: U.K. Coronavirus Strain Does Not Lead To More Severe Illness And Death, Study Finds (NPR, 13 April 2021)
In addition to lack of liability, here is a National Vaccine Information Center link reporting numbers pulled from the VAERS reports database (dating 14 December 2020 to 1 April 2021). (But also, here’s an interesting video on Facebook showing an overview of adverse reactions reported to VAERS: ( And another interesting link/overview via the so-anti-v publication, The Defender.)
And this piece by a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine has some interesting things to say on how guidelines for vaccinating children continue to be pushed under faulty data and premises: The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC’s Push to Vaccinate Children: The agency overcounts Covid hospitalizations and deaths and won’t consider if one shot is sufficient (WSJ Opinion, 19 July 2021).
Potential To Shed?
The following three images, which I screenshot from my actual phone, detail a conversation I had with a friend whose child was in the ER one night at the start of April 2021. I share them now for the sake of awareness and that the CV19 v’s may potentially shed. Not that they do, but the lived experience my friend had indicates the possibility for individuals with complex health needs.

I’ve see multiple occasions of “CV from Vaccine Day because somebody there was sick with it” posts. Since people aren’t supposed to get vaccines if ill, then it’s asymptomatic case that are doing this? Except asymptomatic cases have been shown not to transfer except rarely, if they do. Hmm. Considering the vaccine is still experimental and it’s been known to happen in other vaccines, is it unreasonable to consider a reverse transcriptase response can occur?
“Reverse transcriptase‐polymerase chain reaction (RT‐PCR) testing for measles RNA from nasopharyngeal swab and measles‐specific IgM from serology both returned positive 2 weeks after the patient was discharged.” Vaccine‐associated measles in an immunocompetent child (Clin Case Rep, November 2017)
I look forward as to whether any of the science changes on what spike proteins are capable of.
Moderna SEC Filings Consider mRNA Tech Gene Therapy
Here’s a nice informative news piece on what mRNA technology is supposed to be: Want to Know More About mRNA Before Your COVID Jab? — A primer on the history, scope, and safety of mRNA vaccines and therapeutics (MedPage Today, 3 December 2020)
Now consider these SEC filings from 2018 by Moderna regarding mRNA tech that consider it “gene therapy”, not a v(accine) in the way it functions.
Page 18: “As a potential new category of medicines, no mRNA medicines have been approved to date by the FDA or other regulatory agency;” “To date, there has never been a Phase 3 trial or a commercialized product in which mRNA is the primary active ingredient.”
Page 19: “Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA. Unlike certain gene therapies that irreversibly alter cell DNA and could act as a source of side effects, mRNA based medicines are designed to not irreversibly change cell DNA; however, side effects observed in gene therapy could negatively impact the perception of mRNA medicines despite the differences in mechanism. In addition, because no product in which mRNA is the primary active ingredient has been approved, the regulatory pathway for approval is uncertain. The number and design of the clinical and preclinical studies required for the approval of these types of medicines have not been established, may be different from those required for gene therapy products or may require safety testing like gene therapy products. Moreover, the length of time necessary to complete clinical trials and to submit an application for marketing approval for a final decision by a regulatory authority varies significantly from one pharmaceutical product to the next, and may be difficult to predict.”
I also found this an interesting read: Will an RNA Vaccine Permanently Alter My DNA? (Science With Dr. Doug, 27 November 2020)
Peer Pressure Does Not Equal Safety
I unfortunately keep finding myself repeating that peer pressure is not a replacement for safety.
Feelings are valid. There’s lots of people who’ve been told “not to worry”, “it can’t be that bad”,
they’ll “get over it”, they “can just try again”, they “just need to lose weight”, things like special needs
children “aren’t worth the energy”, etc. Invalidating how people feel and not actually LOOKING INTO an issue is willful ignorance of the human condition and what HELPFUL things could be done to improve a situation. Throwing pills at things isn’t working to keep people in wellness. So calling things “misinformation” isn’t the way to go. There’s a point that CENSORSHIP can become synonymous
with GASLIGHTING when people are told to disbelieve what they see happening. Just saying. Social media companies are already losing the vaccine misinformation fight (Recode, 19 December 2020)
But at one point, I saw a slew of online articles like this: How to persuade your vaccine-skeptic friends to get the COVID-19 shot, according to a Nobel prize-winner who studies vaccine hesitancy (Insider, 19 January 2021) and this Why you’re seeing COVID-19 vaccine selfies all over Facebook and Twitter (CNET, 30 January 2021) and this GOP Congressman: Give $1,400 stimulus checks to people who get the COVID-19 vaccine (Yahoo! Finance, 21 January 2021) Really? I feel so reassured (sarcasm)… and yet.
I’d rather be able to question why something so needed during its experimental stages comes with so much force. And is weighing the benefits of this v on an individual basis truly v-“hesitant” or “anti”-v, rather than a form of pro-choice decision making about personal health and privacy? But those touting the emergency v’s have had to do so using coercion, pushy marketing efforts, name calling, and other shaming. And what about those who honestly can’t or won’t get it on account of their health conditions?
Yet here is Fauci, respected medical authority, downing on members of the military — who are very used to assessing risk — for not submitting to an experimental medical technology: Fauci Says Military Who Refuse Covid-19 Vaccine Are ‘Part Of The Problem’ After High Rate Of Service Members Refuse Jab (Forbes, 5 March 2021)
Considering military jabs are usually mandatory, that I know of, it makes sense they would not be mandatory until or unless the CV19 v is fully FDA approved. Which it is not. People trying to convince others so hard to get this does not speak to safety. Peer pressure and virtue signaling are not substitutes for lab confirmed and time tested safety.
I’m disappointed in such authority figures, and in the media also pushing it in that way. Hesitancy is not personal fault, but indecision due to lack of information. Maybe the military has been following the VAERS reports. And as many of those there are, it’s been estimated previously that it’s reflective for only 1% of reporting because it’s a voluntary system: Ramifications of adverse events in children in Australia (BMJ 2010)
Reactions Don’t Look So Rare As The News Keeps Saying
U.K. Regulators Tell People With Severe Allergies Not To Get Vaccine (NPR, 09 December 2020)
- Allergies = gut health needs support. Allergies in this news piece relate to asthma, skin issues like eczema, food intolerances, medicine intolerances…
- “A 2016 study in Analytical Chemistry reported detectable and sometimes high levels of anti-PEG antibodies (including first-line-of-defense IgM antibodies and later stage IgG antibodies) in approximately 72% of contemporary human samples and about 56% of historical specimens from the 1970s through the 1990s. Of the 72% with PEG IgG antibodies, 8% had anti-PEG IgG antibodies > 500ng/ml., which is considered extremely elevated. Extrapolated to the U.S. population of 330 million who may receive this vaccine, 16.6 million may have antibody levels associated with adverse effects.”
2 Alaska Health Workers Got Emergency Treatment After Receiving Pfizer’s Vaccine (NYT, 16 December 2020)
History of bee venom. After few vaccine reactions, Alaska officials stress that reactions are treatable but COVID-19 is ‘wild card’ (Anchorage Daily News, 19 December 2020)
From previous news, medical histories included medication reactions and egg allergy.
Vaccinations at Chicago-area hospital to resume after 4 workers experience adverse reactions (Fox 13 Tampa Bay, 19 December 2020)
FDA investigating allergic reactions to Pfizer vaccine reported in multiple states (The Hill, 19 December 2020)
CDC says vaccine side-effects ‘tend to be mild’ in response to Indiana woman’s claims in viral video (Courier & Press, 12 January 2021) — And a video the woman made: ( The Courier Press piece says she’s suffering from “too much stress;” as for the video, YouTube removed it. Having seen the video, I can confirm her convulsions weren’t “minor”. The way that poor woman moved looked like a marionette doll that couldn’t quit.
COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect Tracker (Med Shadow, 13 April 2021)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine adverse reactions: A weekly report covering adverse reactions to approved COVID-19 vaccines. (UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Published February 2021, ongoing)
What Happens When Lab Meets Wild?
I still find it odd that fragile populations have had it pushed when past mRNA development attempts have resulted in worsened symptoms upon meeting wild virus. Yes, there’s study for that too.
Conclusion: “These SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.”
Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus. PLOS ONE. 2012; 7(4): e35421.
In cats: Hohdatsu H, et al. Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus Infection in Feline Alveolar Macrophages and Human Monocyte Cell Line U937 by Serum of Cats Experimentally or Naturally Infected with Feline Coronavirus. J Vet Med Sci. 1998; 60(1): 49-55.
In more mice: “VRP-N vaccines not only failed to protect from homologous or heterologous challenge, but resulted in enhanced immunopathology with eosinophilic infiltrates within the lungs of SARS-CoV-challenged mice.” Deming D, et al. Vaccine efficacy in senescent mice challenged with recombinant SARS-CoV bearing epidemic and zoonotic spike variants. PLoS Med. 2006; 3(12): e525. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0030525.
And some other mice: Yasui F, et al. Prior immunization with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nucleocapsid protein causes severe pneumonia in mice infected with SARS-CoV. J Immunol. 2008; 181(9): 6337-648. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.181.9.6337.
And, by the by in my search to understand why my son reacted to childhood schedule v’s on multiple occasions, I ran across a direct relation for v reactions explained by Shoenfeld about autoimmune/inflammation induced by adjuvants: ‘ASIA’: Autoimmunity/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced By Adjuvants (Journal of Autoimmunity, February 2011). Shoenfeld has also authored a textbook, called Vaccines and Autoimmunity. With the use of PEG (poly-ethylene glycol) and polysorbate 80, among other things, it’s something to think about.
But good lab protocols have been kept, right?
Alas, no. Placebo groups have already been eliminated: Long-Term Studies Of COVID-19 Vaccines Hurt By Placebo Recipients Getting Immunized (NPR, 19 February 2021)
Per pro-choice vaxers, no other vaccines people are already familiar with have placebo studies, either. As in, no saline-only control studies.
And wait, wait… The origin of all this mess isn’t gain of function… right?
In the verbal exchange between Fauci and Rand Paul, did Fauci, in fact, lie about gain of function research funding… since it was already in the news in 2017?
See, this 2017 article: “Federal officials today released a plan to help U.S. agencies decide whether to fund controversial studies that make viruses more dangerous. The guidance may finally bring an end to a moratorium that has kept a handful of experiments funded by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on hold for more than 2 years.” White House announces review process for risky virus studies (ScienceMag, 9 Jan 2017)
See, this 2017 statement from NIH Director F. Collins: “Today, the National Institutes of Health announced that it is lifting a funding pause dating back to October 2014 on gain-of-function (GOF) experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses” NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-of-Function Research (NIH/NIH Director, 19 Dec 2017)
See this nice overview via Yahoo News (2021): Biosafety Expert Explains Why Fauci’s NIH ‘Gain-of-Function’ Testimony Was ‘Demonstrably False’ (Yahoo! News, 13 May 2021)
Also: Maybe weird, and I only noticed it cross my news feed because a friend said it would be nice if there was something to blame for the CV19 situation. From House Rules Republicans on Twitter, it says: “FLOOR ALERT: HouseDemocrats blocked HouseGOP requests to declassify intelligence on the origins of [CV19]…”
Which would imply an origin… worth being classified? A wet market critter or bat wouldn’t be super controversial on their own, so… ramifications? Because what isn’t said is often can be just as loud as what is, and how things are said matter.
Especially on the tail of the WHO being refused a second probe (Yahoo! News, 22 July 2021), after a delayed first probe (Reuters, 13 February 2021) that they weren’t allowed to actually conduct but to accept a report they were supplied (BBC, 14 February 2021).
And how about this interesting read on advances in genomic testing (Reuters, 20 August 2020). The part that sticks out at me though… “B G I said in a statement it ‘does not condone and would never be involved in any human-rights abuses.’ C[hinese] officials say the camps are educational and vocational institutions and deny they violate the human rights of the detainees.” This same company for the rapid testing kits says this of the U[ighurs] (The New York Times, 16 November 2019)? It’s one thing not to support it, another to downplay.
Interesting in light of the even more updates that have been made to PCR testing: 07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing. “In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.”
Guessing… it has to do with differentiation? Are the tests able to determine CV19 from flu, especially since flu numbers were so low through CV19 (Scientific American, 29 April 2021)? Previously it was too many cycles were being run (Reuters, 4 February 2021), before that because PCR and serology testing result types were not being differentiated (NPR, 21 May 2020), and before that it was on account of tests being contaminated (Business Insider, 18 April 2020).
Also, I always just found the news on Australia’s CV models showing preference for human cells (Study Finds, 26 June 2021) interesting on its own… Anyway.
“This is about public health, not politics.”
With which I’d agree, but…
What about when the WHO changed the definition of herd immunity? WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website (American Institute for Economic Research, 23 December 2020)
And good one, CNN. Where’s your managing editor to correct this self-contradiction? Inquiring editors want to know. Additional emphasis, my own. From yesterday the 30th: “(CNN)Vaccination alone won’t stop the rise of new variants AND IN FACT COULD PUSH EVOLUTION OF STRAINS THAT EVADE THEIR PROTECTION, researchers warned Friday. They said people need to wear masks and take other steps to prevent spread until almost everyone in a population has been vaccinated. Their findings, published in Nature Scientific Reports…”
Another gripe I now have: Digital v card apps that “allow to carry for free”. That assumes there’d be reason not to be free, which it does specify some less scrupulous parties have done. But free or not, it commodicizes. My next criticism is that paper v records have never been an issue ever for my kids or self (or cost anything to obtain). They are got on request. Why is this v record not on request, but constant demand? The ebola scares didn’t act like this, was far less understated. Now the parti-question I was trained to ask once upon a grad school: who uses it, and what for? So who would use a constant-carry medical record in order to access amenities? I would be asking why tracking/storing this personal information is being developed/standardized. As in, for what purpose is that audience being utilized. I’ve heard a lot that people already carry SS cards and are already tracked by their phones, but why combine health records and access to anything people want to do? For what purpose? Under what duress? Why is the WH enforcing social censorship, which relates to this matter because it’s related to the overarching issue of public/world health. It’s weird. Merging the two isn’t necessarily wrong, but the manner and reasoning of, is weird. To establish a social score, perhaps? That’s used in some other countries (Washington Post, 31 July 2021). New “currency” (Wired, 2019)? It’s harder to control people with bills than it would be to alter their behavior with reward training.
Natural antibodies have been shown to lay upwards of 8m. T cell memory is also the real measure, not antibody levels. In the long-term.”5. How durable is the protection? We’ll know as more time goes by. An unpublished study by Pfizer researchers that followed vaccinated individuals for up to 6 months reported a gradually declining trend in vaccine efficacy against a symptomatic infection, but found their shot remained ‘highly efficacious’ overall. Efficacy peaked at 96.2% in the two months after a second shot, and declined gradually to 83.7% from 4 months, and then by an average of 6% every two months. Further follow-up is needed to understand the persistence of the vaccine effect as well as whether and when boosters are needed.” Are Covid Shots Working? What the Real World Tells Us (Bloomberg, 30 July 2021), What are the roles of antibodies versus a durable, high quality T-cell response in protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2? (NCBI journal listing for Vaccine X, 11 December 2020) Speaking of T cells, “T cells originate in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus.” I’d be asking what could be done to support that.
APWU (postal worker union) statement does not support mandatory v: APWU Statement on Mandatory Vaccination for Federal Employees (APWU, 28 Jul 2021)
Nurse strike: ” ‘We went from heroes to zeroes’: US nurses strike over work conditions” (The Guardian, 30 July 2021)
An interesting perspective on OSHA suspending reports of reactions: OSHA Suspends Reporting Adverse COVID Shot Reactions (Liberty Counsel, 24 May 2021)
Prize goes to this piece for being the stupidest thing I’ve read this year: The Anti-vaccine Con Job Is Becoming Untenable (The Atlantic, 1 August 2021). To balance that, this former NYT science reporter is such a good writer: On vaccines, lies, and Auschwitz (Alex Berenson, 1 August 2021).
Perhaps the discussion should be how people’s health information *should* be better protected. Liberties have been removed for 9/11, privacy, infringed on for bodily autonomy as in women’s healthcare, infringed on for discrimination, and now health privacy and a merge with portable, public technology. Put the matter of health aside and this quote breaks down to: “…[W]hich do require people to sacrifice some of what otherwise would be their personal liberties… People are grabbing on to it because they think it protects more than it does.” Vaccination Status Questions Do Not Violate HIPAA, Consumer Health Expert Explains (NPR, 1 August 2021) I really do miss the time before electronic health records used in hospitals. Makes updates faster, but I’ve more mistakes due to voice transcription. Which if I were to believe the transcribed notes in Aubby’s records, then she not only has PT18;1, but also 4, 17, and 19.
Regarding a comment on this issue being public health and not also containing a political aspect: I thought this was the choice of private businesses to make, not State/Fed? Cuomo asks businesses to go to ‘vaccine-only admission’ (The Hill, 2 August 2021) “[C]ontending that it is ‘in your best business interest’ to adopt the new policy.” — Businesses must know their customer base to stay in business, so no it’s not. In addition, this sounds like an intent to change policies so that it becomes their best interest. “Cuomo said he thinks implementing ‘vaccine-only admission’ will help incentivize New Yorkers to get inoculated.” Cutting people off from resources is not incentive, it’s consequences of pressure. Cuomo is also one of about 5 governors that ordered active cases into nursing homes.
And: From House Rules Republicans on Twitter, it says: “FLOOR ALERT: HouseDemocrats blocked HouseGOP requests to declassify intelligence on the origins of [CV19]…”Which would imply an origin… worth being classified? A wet market critter or bat wouldn’t be super controversial on their own, so… ramifications? Because what isn’t said is often can be just as loud as what is, and how things are said matter. Especially on the tail of the WHO being refused a second probe, after a delayed first probe that they weren’t allowed to actually conduct but to accept a report they were supplied. Also, I always just found the news on Australia’s CV models showing preference for human cells interesting on its own. Anyway.
Which leads me to this: GOP report on COVID-19 origins homes in on lab leak theory (The Hill, 2 August 2021).
And: The former NYT science reporter I follow: A federal case against Twitter? (Alex Berenson, 2 August 2021) for Blocked again, for a week this time (Alex Berenson, 30 July 2021) covering this pre-print Six Month Safety and Efficacy of the BN[T162b2] mRNA C[OVID]-19 V[accine] (Pfizer Inc., 28 July 2021) (and supplemental material).
One other thing, also on political aspect. Fauci did lie about gain of function research funding. I’m not sure how this wasn’t obvious, with these pieces on the interwebs:
This 2017 article, White House announces review process for risky virus studies (Science, 9 January 2017): “Federal officials today released a plan to help U.S. agencies decide whether to fund controversial studies that make viruses more dangerous. The guidance may finally bring an end to a moratorium that has kept a handful of experiments funded by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on hold for more than 2 years.”
This 2017 statement by the NIH Director on the NIH website, NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-of-Function Research (19 December 2017): “Today, the National Institutes of Health announced that it is lifting a funding pause dating back to October 2014 on gain-of-function (GOF) experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses…”
This nice overview via Yahoo News (2021): Biosafety Expert Explains Why Fauci’s NIH ‘Gain-of-Function’ Testimony Was ‘Demonstrably False’ (Yahoo! News, 13 May 2021).
Last but not least…
What sticks out at me on the deaths chart on page 12 of the supplemental material is not the CV19 or CV19 pneumonia deaths, but that there are at least double the cardiac arrests noted in the v’d column. Numbering 4:1.To which my attention is brought: F[DA] adds warning about rare heart inflammation to P[fizer], M[oderna] C[ovid] vaccines (CNBC, 26 June 2021). Though, I agree, the information is to be peer reviewed.
In addition, these: This PBS article This chicken vaccine makes its virus more dangerous (PBS, 2015) and cited PLOS study: Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens – ). And here’s a pre-print bridge by Ndeupen, et al. on mRNA inflammatory response: The mRNA-LNP platform’s lipid nanoparticle component used in preclinical vaccine studies is highly inflammatory (bioRxiv, July 2021)
Um, I’m hesitant…
For something that risk of even catching can twice over be reduced with proper vitamin D levels? And further warded with glutathione and zinc, and generally taking care of our bodies and immune systems? (See associated links in the next section under “Tips For Improving Immune Health”.)
Also, there’s a study that indicates the “hesitant” are either high school diploma/GED-or-less educated, or it’s those with PhDs. It’s the middle audiences who have gone forth, and it was some of those who have less education who allowed it later while the PhDs still didn’t budge (UPMC, 26 July 2021). Much of allopathic medicine is patchwork for issues already happening downstream when its strength is emergency care, which is why as much as possible my family practices preventive health. Which is just as well with so many in the middle audience saying those who are distrustful don’t deserve emergent medical care.
I’m still scratching my head on the science that has been applied. And now the volcano? I’m a bit surprised how none of this seems to undercut anyone else’s confidence in what’s been going on since January 2020. No, I’m not going to talk about anything else for this, and I don’t need to with the amount I’ve covered here. That’s all I got to say about that.
Pre-Print Studies to Watch
Shrestha NK, et al. Necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected individuals. 5 June 2021.
Avolio E, et al. The SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein disrupts human cardiac pericytes function through CD147-receptor-mediated signalling: a potential non-infective mechanism of COVID-19 microvascular disease. 20 July 2021.
Thomas SJ, et al. Six Month Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA [CV19] Vaccine. July 2021. Per page 12 of the supplemental material: Deaths from all causes, 15 vaccinated, 14 non-vaccinated. That’s the efficacy. What sticks out at me on the deaths chart on page 12 is not the CV19 or CV19 pneumonia deaths, but that there are at least double the cardiac arrests noted in the vaccinated column. Numbering 4:1.
Chau NVV, et al. Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers, Vietnam. 10 August 2021. It says: “Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people.”
Gazit S, et al. Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections. 25 August 2021.
Type I interferon susceptibility distinguishes SARS-CoV-2 from SARS-CoV.
Now… helpful places to start for those interested in doing better for their health.
Tips For Improving Immune Health
Before I launch into another multitude of links, let me make just a few things clear:
- Gut health is not a race. It’s a marathon of choices. Every choice is a consequence that leads to a better or undesired outcome. For example, cutting sugar out of my family’s diet. As a result, our tastes have been able to change towards healthier options, not to mention a number of health improvements we’re had otherwise.
- Gut health does not cut corners. Every choice affects every. single. thing. “downstream”. That is to say, and some of the links to come reflect on this, but gut health affects all other systems too, including respiratory and neurological health.
- Gut health may be gained at any time, by any person. Simply just steer each choice you make. In order to do well, the good choices must outnumber the less-than-stellar choices. An occasional unwise choice — made with purpose so as not to feel like self-deprivation — makes this easier to do and maintain long term.
Obviously, there’s a direct link between gut health and severity of illness: Gut bacteria tied to disease severity, immune response; high mental health toll seen in ICUs (Forbes, 13 January 2021)
Considering serotonin accounts for upwards of 80% of the immune system and the gut is where serotonin (happiness) is produced. What I gather from this information is that serotonin determines GI dysfunction (including allergy effects). Action of serotonin on the gastrointestinal tract (Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, March 1985)
How the microbiome challenges our concept of self (PLoS Biology, 9 February 2018)
Leaky gut: “As in the brain, the lining of the gut is sealed to prevent leakage of its contents into the body. When the lining of the gut is breached, significant inflammation and activation of the immune system occurs. When the researchers intentionally breached the gut in this study, they saw a significant response in the meninges to defend against the presence of microbes in the blood.” Gut balance upset: “When mice were treated with antibiotics, there was a decrease in the number of IgA cells in the meninges, suggesting that depleting microbes in the body, even for a short period of time, decreases the ability of the immune system to respond to infection. Likewise, changes in the microbiome—for example, due to a change in regional diet—would be expected to affect the composition of IgA cells as the system continuously adapts.” The gut trains the immune system to protect the brain (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 4 November 2020)
A Review of Traumatic Brain Injury and the Gut Microbiome: Insights into Novel Mechanisms of Secondary Brain Injury and Promising Targets for Neuroprotection (Brain Sciences, June 2018)
Children’s behavior linked to gut microbiome (Medical News Today, 21 January 2020)
STUDY: Daycares in Finland Built “Forest Floors” and Changed Kids’ Immune Systems (Return To Now, 12 November 2020) Biodiversity intervention enhances immune regulation and health-associated commensal microbiota among daycare children (Science Advances, 14 October 2020)
The Functional Medicine Approach to COVID-19: Nutrition and Lifestyle Practices for Strengthening Host Defense (Integr Med Encinitas. 9 May 2020)
Dr. Axe had a lot to say on ways to improve gut health: Do Digestive Enzymes Prevent Nutrient Deficiencies & Boost Gut Health?
Top Supplements to Help Battle Covid-19: If you want to stay resilient against infection, adding a few immune support products, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Quercetin, Glutathione/NAC, Zinc, and Melatonin can help (Newsweek, 11 January 2021)
Additional measures by a Certified Classical Homeopath: Successful holistic therapies for CoVID
Additional measures by Dr. Bhatia’s Asha Homeopathy: An Update on Homeopathy Remedies for the Current Wave of Covid-19
Glutathione was used for a New York mom with coronavirus saved by medical-student son’s quick thinking (New York Post, 9 May 2020)
Efficacy of glutathione therapy in relieving dyspnea associated with COVID-19 pneumonia: A report of 2 cases (Respiratory Medicine Case Reports, 2020)
Don’t take NSAIDs or Tylenol following v(accines), as it depletes glutathione and immune response: Evidence That Increased Acetaminophen Use In Genetically Vulnerable Children Appears To Be A Major Cause Of The Epidemics Of Autism, Attention Deficit With Hyperactivity, And Asthma (Great Plains Laboratory, 2015); and Effect of prophylactic paracetamol administration at time of vaccination on febrile reactions and antibody responses in children: two open-label, randomised controlled trials (The Lancet, 17 October 2009)
NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine)
Shi Z, Puyo CA. N-Acetylcysteine to Combat COVID-19: An Evidence Review. Dove Press Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management. 2020: 16; 1047-1055.
Vitamin C
CDC “C’s the Light,” Reluctantly (Holistic Primary Care, 18 August 2020)
Vitamin C and Immune Function (Nutrients, 3 November 2017)
Vitamin D & Magnesium
Vitamin D Covid Correlations Keep Coming (LinkedIn, 30 April 2020)
“Predicted COVID-19 rates in the deficient group were 21.6% (95% CI, 14.0%-29.2%) vs 12.2%(95% CI, 8.9%-15.4%) in the sufficient group.” (That is to say, Vitamin D deficiency (< 20 ng/mL) may increase risk of COVID positive test by nearly double.) Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results (JAMA Netw Open, 3 September 2020)
New Research Suggests Magnesium and Vitamin D Can Help Reduce COVID-19 Infections (Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute, 1 February 2021)
Zn Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture (PLoS Pathogens, November 2010)
Antiviral Activities of Zn2+ Ions for Viral Prevention, Replication, Capsid Protein in Intracellular Proliferation of Viruses (World Scientific News, 7 April 2018)
Zinc ionophore activity of quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate: from Hepa 1-6 cells to a liposome model (J Agric Food Chem, 2014; 62(32): 8085-93. doi: 10.1021/jf5014633)
Lysine Reported to Halt Coronaviruses: An Interview with Bill Sardi. (Whole Foods Magazine, 18 March 2021)
Kagan C, Chaihorsky A, Tal R, Karlicki B. Lysine Therapy for SARS-CoV-2. September 2020.
Lysine 164 is critical for SARS-CoV-2 Nsp1 inhibition of host gene expression. J Gen Virol. 2021; 102(1): jgv001513. Published online 5 Nov 2020. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.001513.
Identification of Lysine Acetylation Sites on MERS-CoV Replicase pp1ab. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2020; 19(8): 1303-1309. doi: 10.1074/mcp.RA119.001897. Epub 2020 May 18.
I’ve run into into studies about probiotic in support of the respiratory system. For flu-like/recurrent respiratory tract infection, there’s strong indication of benefit, so I have no reason to think there’s not some support for more serious afflictions if basic respiratory effects are able to be supported. All that explains why Aubby improved the way she did during her 2019-2020 school year while using probiotic while her classmates got sick per Flu Season Usual.
Probiotics Reduce Health Care Cost and Societal Impact of Flu-Like Respiratory Tract Infections in the USA: An Economic Modeling Study (Front. Pharmacol, 28 August 2019)
Alterations of intestinal flora and the effects of probiotics in children with recurrent respiratory tract infection (World Journal of Pediatrics, volume 15, pages 255–261, 24 April 2019)
Probiotics and prebiotics potential for the care of skin, female urogenital tract, and respiratory tract (Folia Microbiologica, volume 65, pages 245–264, 2020)
“We discussed the dynamic characteristics of host immune system and the imbalance of gut microbiota in 3 critical patients with COVID-2019. Hypoxemia severity was closely related with host immune cell levels, and the vicious circle between immune disorder and gut microbiota imbalance may be a high risk of fatal pneumonia. …. We discussed the dynamic characteristics of host immune system and the imbalance of gut microbiota in 3 critical patients with COVID-2019. Hypoxemia severity was closely related with host immune cell levels, and the vicious circle between immune disorder and gut microbiota imbalance may be a high risk of fatal pneumonia.” Immunodepletion with Hypoxemia: A Potential High Risk Subtype of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (MEDRXIV, 6 March 2020)
Thymus/Thyroid Support
Why Iodine(.com) has an Iodine Protocol.

And a bit on selenium in this overall context.
Hypochlorous Acid (this one is a household cleaner, not a supplement)
Regarding Hypochlorous Acid (which is already listed on EPA website for Coronavirus) and CV19: effective in 5 minutes.
“CONCLUSIONS When tested as described, EcoloxTech HOCl 200, Lot Nos. 1005, 1006, and 1007 passed the Virucidal Hard-Surface Efficacy Test when Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (COVID-19 Virus), containing 5.0% Newborn Calf Serum, was exposed to the test substance for 5 minutes at 21°C and 45% RH.”
“EcoloxTech systems were used to generate a 130 ppm electrolyzed water solution of hypochlorous acid. A greater than 4-log reduction or complete kill was obtained on all 3 replicates studied after a 5 minute contact time. This test was performed in order to substantiate virucidal efficacy claims for a test substance to be labeled as a virucide by determining the potential of the test substance to disinfect hard surfaces contaminated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (COVID-19 Virus). This test was designed to simulate consumer and was performed in conformance to EPA OCSPP 810.2000 (2018) and 810.2200 (2018) Product Performance Test Guidelines.”
This is another reason I’m glad we use CleanSmart spray, another brand of hypochlorous acid, which is also Aubby friendly.
Additional Resources Not Covered In This Post
Cardiologist Dr McCullough wrote in: Why home treatment of [CV19] with several drugs is crucial (The Hill, 1 October 2020). Per The American Journal of Medicine: Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of [CV19] Infection (August 2020 issue, publish date January 2021).
Report an Adverse Event to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)
Stop COVID Cold, a coalition of experts and organizations dedicated to stopping COVID-19 and promoting the benefits of vitamin D
Healthy American(.org): Employee Rights (Still keeping a lookout for better employee resources.)
Amazon has new $25 spray that’s proven to kill coronavirus on face masks (BGR, 18 December 2020)
Another protocol I liked the looks of. I’m seeing Pepcid AC coming up in different places now, and I’ll have to look into that later — especially since coming away from PPIs and utilizing probiotics and ginger. (My [CV19] Treatment Protocol: Early Intervention Is Key)
Ingale A, et al. Role of Mycobacterium w for the T[reatment] of [CV19]: An Observational Study (Journal of the Association of Physicians of India, 12 December 2020)
George Mason grants professor COVID vaccine mandate exemption after ‘natural immunity’ lawsuit (